On the 25th of October we attended the annual School of English welcome event. As always it was a lovely evening in the very cosy and welcoming staff common room in UCC. It was another opportunity for us to meet Freyja (pictured here) and her mother. Freyja read some new work we hadn't heard which was a real treat. It was also great to see Danny Denton (also pictured above) and catch up over the past few months. Danny is a writer and lecturer in UCC. He has provided great support to the scholarship and is instrumental every year in making sure it continues to happen.
Thank you again to UCC for the invite. This years Scholarship application process will open soon and as always we look forward to the high calibre of submissions. Left to Right: Teresa Murray, Danny Denton, Aoife Osborne, Maria Murray We attended the first in-person School of English and Digital Humanities welcome event since 2019, last Tuesday 18th of October. It was really lovely to get together in person again. We were happy to meet the new head of School, Claire Connolly and the new School manager, Aisling O' Leary. It was, as always, great to catch up with Danny Denton again.
It was also a lovely opportunity to chat again with Aoife, hear about the progress on her MA in Belfast and hear her read her wonderful work again. We will shortly be opening this years Scholarship application process and look forward to all the great work we're sure will be submitted. Head of School, Lee Jenkins, presents Rose with a certificate for winning the Eoin Murray Memorial Scholarship Left to Right: Teresa Murray, Brian Murray, Maria Murray, Rose Keating, Jim Murray Rose performs "Guide to Hauntings" Last Thursday, the 3rd of October, the School of English and Digital Humanities held its welcome event for the new academic year. This was an opportunity for the school to present their undergraduate awards and introduce their visiting writers: Visiting Professor of Creative Writing, John Banville; Writer-in-Residence, Danny Denton; and Frank O’Connor International Fellow in the Short Story, Sara Maitland. It was also the launch of Dr James O’Sullivan’s monograph; Towards a Digital Poetics (Palgrave, 2019).
Our scholarship winner, Rose Keating, was also honoured with a certificate for winning the Eoin Murray Memorial Scholarship and performed her work "Guide to Hauntings". It was a lovely opportunity to meet again with Rose, Lee and their colleagues in the School of English. We are grateful for their continuing support and dialogue with us on the development of the scholarship. Thursday the 4th of October, we were delighted to be invited to the UCC School of English welcome event.
Our 2018 scholar, Ali Bracken Ziad, gave a brief reading. The event also detailed the various scholarship, awards and grant recipients through the last academic year and included some readings from recent publications. We also had the pleasure of chatting with the wonderful Cork writer, Cónal Creedon. Cónal relayed a story of a meeting he had with Eoin to us, it's always so lovely to hear new stories about Eoin and realise the many people who remember and think fondly of him. We look forward to working with Lee Jenkins and the School of English again this year to organise the next scholarship award. |
August 2024