Alana Daly Mulligan, our 2020 scholar, reading a selection of their original works. After a very strange year and a bit, and having missed the 2020 tribute night, we held on online Zoom tribute on the 11th of September. As usual, a great effort was made by Eoin's closest friends to create a night of poetry and music. We were joined by our scholar for 2021, Maeve Joy Taggart, and our scholar for 2020, Alana Daly Mulligan. Many of Eoin's talented friends performed both covers and original songs and it was really great to see them all again. Though we may have had reservations about yet another Zoom get-together, this one was really special. The atmosphere of love and creativity that is so palpable on all tribute nights managed to come through. Having said that, we are very excited to get together in person next year, le cúnamh Dé! We were, of course, beset by some technological issues. The various videos have plenty of moments of audio and/or video freeze. We still felt it was worthwhile to share them, You can access the full playlist here. Maeve Joy Taggart, our 2021 scholar, reading her work: "The Rabbit Hole" (sadly the video did not make it!).
August 2024